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What can we do for our Firefighters?
Firefighters are dependable members of the community who assist in a wider range of emergency and non-emergency situations. They are rescuers, extensively trained in firefighting, primarily to extinguish hazardous fires that threaten life, property, and the environment as well as to rescue people and in some cases or jurisdictions also animals from high-risk situations.
Fast paced industrialization along with extensive use of hazardous materials and the construction of multistoried buildings and superstructures have multiplied the challenges in firefighting. The fire hazards are no longer confined to metropolises and manufacturing centers. Vast quantities of hazardous commodities are daily moved by different modes of transport, posing complicated fire rescue problems. The firefighters’ organizational skills in scene management allow them to effectively and efficiently handle domestic, industrial and transport incidents such as road traffic accidents, by assisting the people involved. Besides handling residential, commercial and wildfires, firefighters may also be trained to provide medical assistance as EMTs. Fire departments may even take up an informative and instructional role to promote prevention rather than suppression while engaging with children and the community in an educational setting. Thus, firefighters are community leaders, social support providers, and role models.
A fire ground in a forest environment is a dynamic, high-risk condition, bearing significant danger. The sinister Australian bushfire crisis (2019-2000), colloquially known as Black Summer, consisted of a period of unusually intense bushfires in many parts of Australia. From September 2019 to March 2020, fires charred various regions of the state of New South Wales. In Eastern and North Eastern Victoria, large patches of forest burnt out of control for weeks before the fires emerged from the forests in late December. Multiple states of emergency were declared across several parts of Australia. The firefighters had put on relentless efforts to save lives. homes, wildlife and the forests despite facing critical life-threatening circumstances and unfortunate casualties.
On March 29th, 2021, when a massive fire broke out at the Balongan refinery, one of the largest oil refineries in Indonesia, fire brigade crews blasted fire-suppressing foam to quench the flames at two storage tankers. Their efforts went on for more than two days when on March 31st, the fire was finally extinguished.
These incidents and countless more of such, exhibited the firefighters’ bravery and indomitable spirit which remained exemplary to the rest of the world. While their contributions remain unquestioned, it brings us to assess what we can do for them in return for their services.
As of now, we are well aware of the importance of organization within fire services. Along with that, skillful coordination with partner organizations; that instill adequate infrastructure and equipment that keep pace with the advancement of technology and economic growth; ensures health, safety and enhanced efficiency of firefighting personnel. There is an indispensable need for the provision of quality resources for the fire departments, firefighters, and partner organizations that prevent on-duty injuries, illnesses, and deaths from hazards and exposures; as well as counter injuries that are more psychological in nature. While improving the protective qualities of clothing and equipment used by firefighters in operational situations can enhance their physical safety, introducing supportive therapy through Psychological First Aid provided by community psychologists and more elaborate approaches dealing with trauma can help to ascertain their psychological well-being.
Finally, it is mandatory to have provisions of grants that protect the health and safety of the firefighters; assist in conducting fire prevention programs and support firefighter health and safety research and development. Such grants can increase or maintain the availability of trained “front line” firefighters in communities.
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