Foamtech Antifire company conforms to all the national and international approvals, certifications and guidelines
Ranger Pre-Engineered Fire Suppression System

The most ground breaking feature of the system is the specially designed heat-sensitive pneumatic polymer detection tubing. It is connected at one end to a FOAMTECH® extinguishing agent container, while the rest of it runs unobtrusively throughout the area at risk.When the flame comes in contact with the heat sensitive tubing and reaches a temperature of 110°C to 138°C, the tubing bursts open at that exact spot and forms a miniature nozzle. The pneumatic mechanism triggers the valve of the extinguisher and sprays the extinguishing agent out of the tube directly onto the flame, annihilating the fire instantaneously.
Product Features
- Pneumatically Operated
- Electronics Friendly
- Simplified High Risk Protection
- 24-Hour Protection
- Flexible Detection Tubing
- Rugged Design
- Residue-Free
- Cost-Effective
- Airports
- Metro Rail
- Telecom
- Building
- Automotive
- Oil & Gas
- Pharmaceutical Industries
- MFG. Plants
- Mining
- Marine
- Container
- Depot
- Power
- Renewable
- Energy
Direct Low Pressure DLP Clean Agent System Unit

FOAMTECH® DLP- Direct Low-Pressure Clean Agent Systems are primarily a Pre-Engineered Automatic Fire detection and suppression System utilising various Low-pressure Clean agents i.e. HFC227ea, Novec1230/FK-5-1-12.
The FOAMTECH® Linear Pneumatic Fire Detection Tubing (LP-FDT) is installed and connected to DLP Valve and routed throughout the protected hazard area/enclosure. The primary function of Pneumatic Fire Detection Tube (under pressure) is to detect heat/fire and activate the valve for discharge of the agent by rupturing at the hottest point along its installed length on flame impingement. On rupture a nozzle is formed at the burst point.
The clean agent under pressure, in the cylinder then flows out through the burst point, distributing the clean
Direct Low Pressure DLP Clean Agent System Unit.
Indirect Low Pressure ILP Clean Agent FKS-1-12 System Unit

FOAMTECH® ILP- Indirect Release Low-Pressure Clean Agent Systems are primarily a Pre-Engineered Automatic Fire detection and suppression System utilising various Low-pressure Clean agents i.e. H FC227ea, Novec1230/FK-5-1-12, FE36 etc.
The FOAMTECH® Linear Pneumatic Fire Detection Tubing (LP-FDT) is installed and connected to ILP Valve and routed throughout the protected hazard area/enclosure. The primary function of Linear Pneumatic Fire Detection Tube (under pressure) is to detect heat/fire and activate the valve for discharge of the agent by rupturing at the hottest point along its installed length on flame impingement.
On rupture due to loss of pressure in the tube connected to the valve, the pressure from the top assembly of the ILP valve is released (can be done by both automatic or manual activation) thereby the internal piston slides to its fully open position, allowing the pressurised Clean agent to travel through any or combination of three outlet ports via delivery hose/pipes and discharge out from the fixed nozzles, within the protected area, flooding the entire area with the agent and suppressing the fire instantly.
Note: To assist annunciation, both Direct & Indirect Low Pressure systems can be connected to FACP through optional pressure switch & potential free contact arrangement.
UL/FM/EN approved Suppression Agents
Filled in UL Listed & PESO approved fill plant
CE Approved Cylinders
Overall System in CE approved
The system is in compliance to NEPA : 2001 (Edition 2015- latest)
Kitchen Fire Supression System

Risk of fire hazard proves to be very dangerous in the modern Electrical & Gas Operated Domestic & Commercial Kitchens. Fire in kitchen is generally due to burning of oil. However oil & fats burn at relatively high temperature and hence once they catch fire, extinguishing them is very difficult.
With the aim to protect modern kitchens from such risks FOAMTECH has developed Foamtech Automatic Pre Engineered Fire Suppression system according to the NFPA & UL Standards. It can be widely used in the Kitchens of the Hotels, Institutes, Restaurants, and Schools etc.
How the System Works?
The Hood is covered with the pneumatic Heat Sensing Tube (HST). On coming with contact with fire, HST burst open at a pre-determined temperature.
This leads to a drop of pressure which signals the indirect valve thereby activating the system. The strategically placed nozzles disperses the extinguishing agent evenly over the entire cook top area ensuring no blind spots during firefighting.

Key Components of the System
Applications Areas
- Cylinder&Valve Assembly
- Extinguishing Agent
- Heat Sensing Detection Tube
- Master Control Unit (MCU)
- End of line adopter with pressure gauge
- Discharge nozzle
- Tee, Elbow, Connectors
- Discharge piping
- Manual actuation unit
- Anti-tempered seal
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Hospitals
- Schools
- Public Institutions
Fire Extinguishing Agent: EN Approved FOAMER Brand Kitchen Fire Chemical type foam
Listing & Approvals:CE Certified Foamtech Kitchen Fire Suppression System
EN certificated Agent K Foam
UL Certified for the detection tube.