Fire Fighting Foam Equipment, FM 200/ HFC 227 Refilling Plant
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Top 10 Fire Safety Equipment Manufacturers in India

Fire Safety Equipment

Foamtech Antifire Company is Asia’s leading manufacturer, supplier, distributor, and exporter of Fire Safety Equipment. Backed with decades of expertise, we provide different types of equipment for fire safety, such as firefighting foam, concentrates, chemicals, powders, and fire suppression systems for industrial requirements.

The entire range of fire safety equipment supplied by Foamtech is designed to suppress and extinguish fires effectively and quickly. So, they are ideal for any emergency situation.  Our products conform to national and international certifications, approvals, and guidelines. We meet stringent safety and quality standards by using advanced technology. We guarantee superior performance and environmental safety.

Foam Chambers

The foam chamber is typically used to apply low-expansion foam solution onto the surface of liquids stored in storage tanks, quickly creating a secure foam blanket. The most common structures these are installed into are vertical fixed (cone) roof storage tanks, either with or without internal floating roofs.
Systems are usually designed to NFPA 11 (Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam), the foam solution is applied across the complete surface area of the liquid. Foam chambers are defined by NFPA 11 as Type II Discharge Outlets for delivering foam to the surface of a flammable liquid. They can be used in conjunction with inline foam inductors, balanced-pressure foam proportioning systems, bladder tank proportioners or foam tenders.

Handline Nozzles

The Foamtech low-expansion foam handline nozzles can be used with all low-expansion foam concentrates, such as fluoroprotein (FP), aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF), alcohol resistant aqueous film-forming foam AR-AFFF) and Class A concentrates.
These portable, air-aspirating nozzles can also be used to extinguish a variety of flammable liquid fires using Foamer Class B foam concentrates.
Typical applications include municipal fire departments, Crash-Fire-Rescue (CFR) vehicles; or for handline applications around tank farms, loading racks, aircraft hangars and chemical plants.
When using SILV-EX PLUS Class A foam, an effective blanketing foam is produced. This blanketing foam is ideal for structural fires and other deep-seated risks involving tyres, rolled paper, baled cotton and coal bunkers.
The advantage of low-expansion foam compared to medium-expansion is the greater stream range and superior cooling effect achieved by the higher water content.

Foam Generators

Foam generators are designed to expand foam solution into millions of tiny bubbles in which the solution is expanded in
volume to a range exceeding 200:1.
The extinguishing effectiveness of the Foamtech HX generator (FCH*-250) is achieved via a combination of the following:
  • Free air movement essential for continued combustion is reduced.
  • Transition to steam of the water content of the foam solution dilutes the oxygen concentration, achieving a level below which combustion cannot be supported.
  • Reduced surface tension of the foam solution draining from the expanded foam penetrates the Class A materials, extinguishing deep-seated fires.
  • Foam solution lowers the temperature below the combustion point or auto-ignition temperature of Class A and B fuels.
  • The insulating and heat-reflecting properties of the foam blanket provide a heat shield preventing fire spread and extinguishes deep-seated fires.

Wet Chemical

  • Class A Fire: Wood, Textiles, Paper, Cotton Mill, Jute Mill etc.
  • Class B Fire: Petoleum, Oil, Diesel, Paint, Varnish, Solvent.

Water Mist

  • Class A Fire: Wood, Textiles, Paper, Cotton Mill, Jute Mill etc.
  • Class B Fire: Petoleum, Oil, Diesel, Paint, Varnish, Solvent.
Benefits of Our Fire Safety Equipment
The fire safety equipment designed by Foamtech Antifie Company offers several benefits.
  • Detects temperature rise and triggers alarms.
  • Identifies smoke particles in the air
  • Senses CO levels and prevent poisoning
  • Recognizes flames through infrared sensors.
  • Activates alarms automatically in case of fire.
  • Allows manual activation of alarms.
  • Delivers water to the fire scene
  • Sprinkles water to suppress fires
  • Prevents the spread of fire and smoke.
  • Withstands extreme conditions (e.g., water, dust).
Our equipment to douse fire is easy to use and can reduce fire damage to structures. They function well by monitoring pressure levels in fire suppression systems. You can integrate them with smart home systems for remote monitoring.
Suitable for Various Applications

Foamtech Fire Safety Equipment is suitable for many businesses across different industries. They cover the entire gamut of offshore, aviation, marine, and commercial buildings, chemical, defense, Pharmaceutical, Warehousing, Data Centers, Oil & Gas, and many other, sectors.

Also, we at Foamtech are committed to designing eco-friendly fire safety solutions, such as  ECOSOLV foam concentrates. They reduce environmental impact while maintaining high performance​ (Foamtech Antifire)​. Our product range includes not only fire suppression and equipment but also systems to refile and maintain, ensuring a full-service approach to fire safety​.

Quality Assurance

As a leading Fire Safety Equipment manufacturer and supplier in India, Foamtech Antifire Company prioritizes quality assurance. Our experts make sure that our products adhere to the highest standards of safety and performance. The quality inspection team inspects all raw materials used in the manufacturing process, verifies designs thoroughly, closely monitors the manufacturing process, checks each piece of equipment using advanced technology, and ensures the products comply with national and international safety standards and regulations.

From time to time, we provide proper training to our staff and keep them updated wit the industry. For more details about our fire safety equipment, contact Foamtech Antifire company today.

Here List of Top 10 Best Fire Safety Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers in India
  1. Foamtech Antifire Company

Foamtech Antifire is a top fire protection company in Asia with many years of experience. The company designs and makes all kinds of firefighting foam, chemicals, and systems for industries. It sells products to companies that work on the ocean, ships, airplanes, and buildings, both in India and other countries.

Foamtech has a big factory that can make enough fire protection equipment for the whole world. We also have offices in the UK and Canada to sell our products around the world. Here are quick reasons to choose Foamtech Antifire for foal concentrate.

  • Expertise in fire protection solutions.
  • Tailored to meet industrial requirements.
  • Serving Offshore, Marine, Aviation, and Commercial sectors.
  • High production capacity for global demands.
  • Offices in the UK and Canada.
  • Trusted by clients in India and worldwide.
  • Manufacturing firefighting foams, chemicals, powders, and suppression systems.
  1. Andex Fire Engineering Works
  2. Ajay Engineering
  3. Brilliant Engineering Works
  4. Vintex Fire Protection
  5. Firechem
  6. Runfire & Security Systems
  7. Siya Industries
  8. Unjiban Fire Protection Systems
  9. Fireseal Fire Safety Solutions
DISCLAIMER: Foamtech Antifire Company Private Ltd is not liable for the accuracy of the content of this post since it is written from the author’s perspective.

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