Fire Fighting Foam Equipment, FM 200/ HFC 227 Refilling Plant
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Foamtech AntifireFoamtech AntifireFoamtech Antifire

“Fire Fighting Foam Testing for Quality Assurance…An Overview”

It is a good practice to conduct periodic sample testing of fire-fighting foams to ensure the foam can perform its important and potentially life-saving function.

All operations which include the use of flammable liquids introduce the risk of fire. Such fires are alarming in the rapidity of their growth and their intensity, and plans must be made in advance to deal with them promptly and efficiently. No matter what safety precautions are taken the possibility of fire must be accepted; fires occur in the industry, involving the manufacture, storage, or use of flammable liquids. In most cases, control and extinction by the application of fire-fighting foam is the method of choice, and supplies of foam concentrate must be planned.

Fire fighting foam concentrates are the preferred extinguishing medium for many flammable liquid risks. Foam concentrates are developed and tested to ensure they have excellent storage characteristics but they can be subjected to harsh climatic conditions outside their intended design criteria or be accidentally spoiled due to contamination or by dilution with water.

Significantly, the foam is supposed to perform when called upon during any stage of its operational life, therefore the foam must be tested regularly. Annual testing is essential and is recommended by many international standards as extreme conditions can lead to premature degradation of the concentrate. Thus, accurate and methodological sample testing under controlled laboratory standards and data processing is an integral part of any substantial environment, health, and safety quality assurance plan.

FT® TEST LAB” – The solution…

Established in 2017 in India, is a multi-disciplined facility that offers materials testing services to the fire and safety industry. The laboratory has established itself as the epitome of excellence for analytical chemistry. It is equipped with the latest technology and is run by a team of highly skilled masters and graduates of chemistry. The FT® TEST LAB is

  • Accredited by NABL with the widest scope.
  • Founded under the department of Science and Technology (Govt. of India)
  • As per ISO 17025:2017, laboratory Competency Certified
  • Internationally recognized by ILAC- International Laboratory Accreditation Corporation
Our Mission…

The lab has been founded with the spirit of being a truly global company to provide the one-stop solution for quality assurance in Fire Fighting Chemicals. We benchmark the fire fighting industry with innovation, cutting-edge technology, customer satisfaction, and environmental sustainability. We embrace our mission, push the limits of dynamism and focus on insights that make us the leaders in quality assurance in absolute terms.

Our Testing Services…

FT® TEST LAB accurately tests foam concentrates and dry chemical powders to make sure of physical-chemical properties according to standard protocols such as BIS, UL, EN, ISO, Indian Defence, ICAO, IMO, and LAST FIRE.

We also conduct tests for allied chemicals i.e. Oil Spill Dispersant Type II & Type III etc. Our independent foam testing service includes a suite of tests and delivers comprehensive, unbiased, and reliable results. Our sample analysis evaluating:

Physical properties l pH l Refractive index l Density and viscosity l Sedimentation l Foam expansion ratio:25% & 50% l Drainage time l Surface tension l Spreading coefficient l Freezing point, etc.

We use Brookfield viscometer which gives an accurate measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow and test rare parameter such as brix% flashpoint LC 50

For any further technical or commercial inquiry one can contact us on the below email address: or visit our website:

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