Fire Fighting Foam Equipment, FM 200/ HFC 227 Refilling Plant
Foamtech AntifireFoamtech AntifireFoamtech Antifire
Foamtech AntifireFoamtech AntifireFoamtech Antifire

Discover the Diverse Range of Fire Safety Equipment Offered by Foamtech Antifire

Fire Safety Equipment

Considering the risk of potential casualties and losses caused by fire accidents at residential and industrial buildings, many businesses have started manufacturing fire safety equipment. These equipment and fire safety tools greatly help detect fire risks or extinguish fire.. Be it detecting fire risks or extinguishing fire, these equipment and fire safety tools are of great help. Though it is one of the high-risk hazards, it is advised that you buy fire safety equipment from renowned manufacturers only. We at Foamtech Antifire are one of the certified manufacturers of these equipment and have been serving this industry for more than 25 years now. We are also associated with fire protection associations like FSAI, NFPA, FICCI, and a few more.

At present, we are working with top industry experts to manufacture excellent quality fire safety equipment. All our fire safety equipment meets industrial and safety standards and is quality tested to ensure that they work efficiently during fire hazards. Being one of the prominent fire safety equipment manufacturers in India, we offer six types of fire safety equipment, including foam concentrates, dry chemical powders, foam equipment, fire suppression systems, fire extinguishers, agents, and dispersants.

Foam Concentrates – These are the liquid concentrations that are produced using specialized formulations and are helpful in suppressing fire. They are also known as fire-fighting foam. They are available in the form of chemical mixtures and are mixed with water to produce foam. It is used to cover or create a blanket on fire, which helps minimize the fire’s spread by suppressing flames. It also helps in preventing the fire from reigniting. We at Foamtech Antifire are known for offering different types of foam concentrates, including environmentally friendly foam concentrates as well.

Dry Chemical Powders – It is another fire suppression agent known for its fast suppression and is capable of dealing with fire caused by several reasons. From fire caused by gases to flammable liquids, hazardous materials to electric fire, dry chemical powders are effective on all. This powder acts as a barrier between oxygen and the fuel, which ignites fire and prevents fire from causing more damage. It is one of the highly utilized fire safety equipment due to its efficiency in tackling fires of all classes.

Foam Equipment – It is a type of fire safety equipment which utilizes foam concentrates as a fire fighting agent. At Foamtech Antifire, we not only produce foam concentrates, but we also manufacture different types of foam equipment which are helpful in reducing the risk of fire. Be it the fire caused due to flammable liquids or solid combustibles or different types of gases, foam equipment are effective on all of them. Some of the fire safety equipment designed by us include foam chambers, handline nozzles, and foam generators.

Fire Suppression System – These systems are specifically designed using cutting-edge technology and essential features that are helpful in detecting and extinguishing fire in the right way. They consist of fire extinguishing agents which help control and suppress fire successfully. They are known to work faster when it comes to detecting fire, and their pneumatic operation helps extinguish fire better. Depending on the fire suppression system, different types of extinguishing agents can be used in them, including CO2, water, foam, and a few more. They are considered the best to install in different places, including residential homes, industrial sites, offices, shopping malls, hospitals, retail stores, and other commercial spaces.

Fire Extinguishers – It is one of the most common fire safety equipment used at most places all over India. Being in this business for a long, we at Foamtech Antifire specialise in producing different types of fire extinguishers for our customers. Fire extinguishers are portable fire-fighting equipment and are required to operate manually. Though they are not considered the best for handling large fires, they are capable of extinguishing small fires and also help prevent fires from spreading. We are known for designing fire extinguishers that are easy to operate so that during a panic situation, one does not need to face problems using them. We use different types of agents in our fire extinguishers for suppressing fire, including dry powder, wet chemicals, carbon dioxide, water mist, foam, and clean agents. We recommend considering a dry powder fire extinguisher due to its capability to extinguish the fires in Class A, Class B, and Class C as well.

Agents & Dispersants – When it comes to fire safety equipment, we cannot leave agents & dispersants behind as they play a great role in extinguishing fire. From water based agents to dry chemical agents, carbon dioxide to wet chemical agents, all these are helpful in extinguishing fire. We also produce a wide range of dispersants, which are highly required in coastal areas. All our agents and dispersants are well-tested and are approved by reputed organizations.

We are dedicated to providing safety from fire by offering these diverse ranges of fire safety equipment. We never compromise on quality as we understand the importance of these fire-fighting tools. At Foamtech Antifire, we cover all industries, commercial areas, and residential sectors when it comes to manufacturing and supplying fire safety equipment. All the above-mentioned fire safety equipment are available at cost-effective prices. We do offer installation services for equipment like fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems.

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