Fire Fighting Foam Equipment, FM 200/ HFC 227 Refilling Plant
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Why Clean Agent Fire Suppression System is Used in Sensitive Areas

Clean Agent Fire Suppression

We often associate blowing out the fire with dense clouds of carbon dioxide, or sprinklers quenching the space where fire accident occurs. While both these methods work fine in their specific ways, these are extinguishing methods that leave a certain amount of residue. After the extinguishing agent has been released on the targeted region, the ashes or burnt particles need to be cleaned out. Also, the residue flies all over the place reaching the delicate and sensitive spaces. To combat this problem, there is an innovative system used in buildings. These are called clean agent fire suppression systems. In this blog, we will learn about the function, mechanics, utility, and trusted provider of the best clean agent fire system.

Function of Clean Agent Fire Suppression System

Unlike fire extinguishers which require human intervention and manual operation, the fire suppression system activates automatically detecting the flames and smoke whenever a fire occurs in their designated space. The chemical agent/Inert Gas is automatically released as soon as the fire occurs, suppressing it immediately and preventing it from spreading out. These are fixed near the sensitive regions and objects that require speedy emergency response. It uses Inert gases or halogenated hydrocarbons to disrupt the fire triangle (Oxygen, heat, fuel) and suppresses the fire at its initial stage without causing any fire. The advantages of the best clean agent fire suppression system are:

  • As its name suggests, this system leaves no to minimal residue, protecting the sensitive equipment while effectively blowing out fire.
  • Safety of Occupants as it is electrically non-conductive and non-corrosive, making them safe to use rather than corrosive fire suppression systems.
  • The rapid activation suppresses the fire quickly and prevents further damage.
Clean Agent Fire Suppression
Components of Clean Agent Fire Suppression System

These are designed to distribute clean agents over the fire triangle, detect fire quickly, monitor the pressure of discharge and automatically activate. Here is a brief list of components in the best clean agent fire suppression system:

  • Cylinder to contain clean agent
  • Cylinder valve
  • Pneumatic tubes/MS Pipes to transport the clean agent from the cylinder
  • Discharge Nozzles to distribute the clean agent to the protected area
  • Pressure Switch to monitor the pressure and turn on the alarm
  • MCU, Gas Release Panel, Detection Device to detect smoke or heat
  • Automatic actuator, Manual actuator, abort etc
Utility of Clean Agent Fire Suppression System

Clean agent fire suppression is non-toxic, odourless and leaves the least residue among all fire combat systems. Therefore, it is widely used in dedicated spaces where the protection of elements and people navigating through that space go unharmed. Due to its highly beneficial properties, there are many applications where these systems are installed:

  • Data centers
  • Mining
  • Marine
  • Oil & Gas refinery
  • Manufacturing units
  • Public Institutions
  • Hotels
  • Airports
  • UPS Room, Battery Room, Rack Room etc.
  • Electrical Panels, Dry Transformers
Foamtech: Best Clean Agent Fire Suppression System Provider

When considering buying the best clean agent fire suppression system, look no further than Foamtech. We design best-in-class fire suppression systems following NFPA 2001 (latest edition) that are prompt in response, function exceptionally, can withstand testing conditions of various natures and most importantly we are compliant with the best safety standards. We provide multiple ranges of different capacities and configurations keeping a diversity of applications in focus. Choose us for the best clean agent fire suppression system and get exceptional services at a competitive price. We offer Panel fire protection system (low pressure  15 bar DLP, DHP, ILP (FK5-1-12, HFC227ea) system & Room flooding system using both high pressure 300 bar Inert (IG100, IG 541, IG55) system & 25,42,50 Bar (FK5-1-12, HFC227ea) clean agent system.

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