Fire Fighting Foam Equipment, FM 200/ HFC 227 Refilling Plant
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5 Different Types of Fire Extinguishers

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers have a vital role to play when it comes to setting out fire protection plans in any environment. They’re a first aid response to fire and can help control catastrophic damage to property and even loss of life. Small but important and offered by top fire extinguisher manufacturers, the equipment has the potential to save lives and property just by putting out a small fire or suppressing it until the fire department arrives.

The most common types include specialist dry powder, standard dry powder, foam, water spray, water mist, water spray, wet chemical, and carbon dioxide. No single fire extinguisher can be used to control all classes of fire.

Water Extinguishers:

Water Extinguishers

Water extinguishers are used for class a fire risk – this class of fires takes place due to combustible materials such as paper, wood fabric, cardboard, textiles, coal, and other flammable solids. They are also ideal to be used in kitchen fires caused by flammable gas, liquids, or electrical equipment. These extinguishers have cooling effects on the liquid that is caused by burning fuel to burn at a slow rate till the flames are fully doused.


Foam Extinguishers:

Foam Extinguishers

This is the most common type of fire extinguisher. They are designed for class B fires (fires caused by flammable liquids such as turpentine, paint, or petrol among others). Since they are water-based, you can also use them for class A fires (fires caused by flammable materials like fabric, paper wood, and other flammable solids). Use foam extinguishers to control fire caused by organic materials such as wood, coal, textiles, and fabrics, cardboard


Dry Powder Extinguishers

Foam Extinguishers

Also called ABC extinguishers, dry powder extinguishers are used for class A fires, class B fires, and class C fires. Avoid using them in enclosed spaces because the dry powder in the extinguisher can be easily inhaled. Use dry powder extinguishers to douse fires caused by different organic materials like wood, coal, textiles, cardboard, fabrics, and paper among others.



Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extinguishers

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extinguishers

These extinguishers are primarily used for electrical fire risks and are generally the main fire extinguisher. Ideal for computer server rooms, CO2 fire extinguishers can also be used for Class B fires.




Wet Chemical Extinguishers

Wet Chemical Extinguishers are designed for use on Class F fires (class F fires include those caused by cooking oils such as a chip-pan fire). They are also ideal for controlling class A fire though it is more usual to have a foam or water extinguisher for this type of fire risk. Always prefer using a wet chemical extinguisher for fires that involve cooking oils and fats (a Class F fire). Also use these extinguishers for fires caused by wood, coal, textiles, fabrics, cardboard, and paper.


Best Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers

Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers

If you are searching for the best Fire Extinguisher Manufacturer, contact Foam Tech Antifire Company. A globally recognized company, Foam Tech Antifire is committed to providing a one-stop solution for all your needs. Using innovative technology, it manufactures and supplies different types of fire extinguishers. Contact Foam Tech Antifire today for different types of Fire Extinguishers.

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