FOAMTECH (+91) 9811080370 Agents And Dispersant
Agents And Dispersant

Foamtech Antifire company conforms to all the national and international approvals, certifications and guidelines

Agents And Dispersant
In addition to being a leading manufacturer of fire-fighting agents and equipment, FOAMTECH also produces a proprietary range of products that protect against fire and environmental damage.

Foamer Oil Spill Dispersant

Oil is a major pollutant in the ocean and marine oil spill is one of the major threats to the fragile flora and fauna. The consequences of an oil spill are profound and irreparable, thus the problem has attracted much attention from stakeholders, policymakers, technologists, environmentalists, and local people from the coastal regions.

The purpose of any oil spill response is to minimize environmental damage that could be caused by the spill. Dispersants are used to accelerate the removal of oil from the surface of the sea by greatly enhancing the rate of natural dispersion of oil and thus preventing it from washing ashore.

FOAMER BRAND OIL SPILL DISPERSANT is the new generation dispersant, approved as Type II and Type III from the National Institute of Oceanography, India. It can be used concentrated or diluted to a ratio of 1:10 depending on the contamination level and the area of application. It is an efficient and environmentally friendly product containing no hydrocarbons. It has been specifically designed for oil dispersion at sea, at the shore and in port, either on–or–off-board.r–off-board.

  • FOAMER BRAND OIL SPILL DISPERSANT Type-III dispersants are concentrates to be used in the neat (concentrated)
  • FOAMER BRAND OIL SPILL DISPERSANT Type-II dispersants are dilatable concentrates with a similar formulation to
    Type-III product. Dilution is normally done to 10% (v/v) with seawater.
Foamtech FOAMER BRAND OIL SPILL DISPERSANT is tried, tested and approved by CSIR- National Institute of Oceanography as per specifications by Warren Spring Laboratory (WSL), UK and Indian Coast Guard (2009).

Drill Foam

The risk present in the offshore oil and gas exploration and mining can create a highly combustible and unstable atmosphere making it essential that fire prevention is done carefully. Offshore oil and gas fires are a serious safety hazard, affecting the environment by releasing toxic fumes, damaging surface infrastructure & human lives globally. Mine fires and rig fires cannot be directly attacked due to heat, smoke, accessibility or hazardous roof conditions. FOAMER DRILL FOAM is one way to prevent the fire from a remote, safe underground location. FOAMER DRILL FOAM is a blanketing and cooling agent produced by a combination of water, air and foam concentrate. Drill foam is a means of conveying water directly to the drill, diluting the oxygen concentration by producing steam and blocking both air currents to the fire and radiant energy from the burning fuel. Apart from that FOAMER DRILL FOAM also acts as coagulant and by removing cuttings from the drilled areas it reduces downtime, and fire risks.
FOAMER DRILL FOAM is one way to prevent the fire from a remote, safe underground location. FOAMER DRILL FOAM is a blanketing and cooling agent produced by a combination of water, air and foam concentrate. Drill foam is a means of conveying water directly to the drill, diluting the oxygen concentration by producing steam and blocking both air currents to the fire and radiant energy from the burning fuel. Apart from that FOAMER DRILL FOAM also acts as coagulant and by removing cuttings from the drilled areas it reduces downtime, and fire risks.
FOAMER DRILL FOAM Concentrate is a biodegradable mixture of anionic Surfactants [Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic couple] which has been formulated for use in the mineral, coal & water well drilling Industries.
Drill foam is effective in fresh, brackish and hard water
  • Environmentally friendly and biodegradable.
  • Generates instant high foam quality with exceptional stability.
  • Economical, produces stable foam at low concentrations.
  • Reduces air requirements and allows deeper drilling
  • Compatible with fresh, brackish and saltwater.
  • Effective in suppressing dust.
  • Serves dual purpose as Flame retardant and Coagulant.
FOAMER DRILL FOAM Concentrate should be mixed with water at 0.5-1.5% by volume and injected into the air stream to obtain consistent foam. To control severe water influx, increase foam concentration and decrease injection rate. The rate of injection will depend on hole size, compressor output and water flow rate etc.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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