FOAMTECH (+91) 9811080370 About Us
(CMD, Foamtech Anti Fire Company)

Directors desk

Mr. Rohit Gupta is a dynamic & visionary leader. He is a passionate, self motivated, philanthropist and conscientious individual who brings in experience of more than 25 years to the firefighting industry. He is a well-known veteran fire fighter and industrialist who runs several businesses under his able guidance. Mr. Rohit Gupta aims to preserve life and property, promote public safety, and professionally foster community support services. He with his team is dedicated to protecting life, property, and the environment by providing emergency response, regulatory compliance, and community education.
His leadership style resonates with team engagement, innovation, resilience, strategic thinking, and risk-taking. Not only this, but also he believes in uplifting society and working towards its sustainable development. Mr. Rohit Gupta has been conferred many nation & international awards and is an active member of NFPA, FICCI, FSAI, FIEO, and other fire protection associations.
About Us
Foamtech Antifire Company is Asia’s leading Fire Protection Company, with over decades of expertise, Foamtech provides total custom-designed solutions in fire protection by manufacturing all kinds of firefighting foam, chemicals, concentrates, powders, and fire suppression systems for industrial requirements. Our services cover the entire gamut of Offshore, Marine, Aviation, and Commercial Business Sectors in India and Overseas. Foamtech has a multimillion dollar worth production facility with a capacity to cater global requirements. Not only this but also the company serves worldwide with its marketing offices situated in UK and Canada.

Foamtech Antifire Company was founded with the spirit of being a truly global company to provide the one-stop solution for all customer needs in Fire Fighting Chemicals. We benchmark the fire fighting industry with innovation, cutting-edge technology, customer satisfaction, and environmental sustainability. We embrace our mission, push the limits of dynamism and focus on insights that make us the industry leader in absolute terms.

We strive to maintain our customers, understanding their business and delivering superior products and services.

We believe in applying our combined knowledge and experience to develop innovative and high-quality products.

We seek to adapt to an ever-changing market by leading the industry and ensuring our company remains ahead.

We look to provide innovative and novel methods to better protect life and property.

Why To Choose Us?


Foamtech Antifire Company has invested 7Million USD in establishment


All our products are conforming to BIS (ISI), ICAO, ISO, MMD, IRS, DGMS, EN, UL and DGQA Standards & our “FOAMER” brand


Our modern test laboratory is manned by Independent highly qualified technicians


DCP ABC UL Listed was earlier imported from abroad and now we have become the First Indian manufacturer in Asia for DCP

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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